

My name is Alec Gonzales, and I am originally from Phoenix, Arizona. Ever since receiving my first camera for Christmas in 2013, I have been obsessed with creativity. This obsession drove me to pursue an academic career in creativity, which began when I halted my pre-med pathway at Santa Clara University to pursue a Bachelor’s in Studio Art.

Now, I am a Senior Creative Design Specialist at NETGEAR, where I play a key role in streamlining our design process and optimizing our eCommerce platform. I accomplish this by fostering collaborative team environments, and by approaching every challenge with a can-do attitude. I look forward to creating more beautiful and functional experiences in the future.

Outside of work, I am an avid hiker/lover of music. On the weekends, you can find me taking advantage of all the beautiful trails in the Bay Area, and after most workdays, strumming the guitar or playing the piano.

Thank you for your time!

With Gratitude,